CYSTEO-Securis witnesses about Jaguar : easy interface & less than 1 false alarm per day

From :

Cysteo-Securis : Using EVITECH's Jaguar since March 2010.

" Our company guards sensitive sites... For the surveillance of a big building for the French State, we use, on the one side, an intelligent video analysis (VCA : video content analysis) software ( , and on the other side, thermal cameras 19mm FLIR sold by ALPHATONICS .

With this hardware, since March 2010, in conditions including difficulties of a big building, we can already say we have mastered all the parameters that usually raise weaknesses mentionned for VCA-based applications : analysis speed, night, fog, complex scenes, ...

From our experience of outdoor VCA, if we had one sole advice to recommend to you, reader, we would suggest to use thermal cameras that boost the software capacities. You'll avoid then all the false alarms or non-detections linked to low-cost cameras, and above all with infrared leds equipped cameras (vehicles lights, dust, insects, rain, sun rays, or even fog lowering visibility), and even temporary loss of light in a zone.

Thanks to the many software parameters of Jaguar, we could address all our needs, and thanks to the easy-to-use (even for a guard) interface, we have reached less than one false alarm per day in average. Contrarily to a sometime evoked problematics, we have had no analysis speed problem at all (intruder detected immediatly).

Miracle Solution ? [...] Of course, detection and doubt raising are immediate : a precious time in order to avoid any bad intentioned act in the meanwhile".

NDLR : Cysteo-Securis uses a Jaguar V2.1 license over 8 FLIR fixed SR** cameras.