Protection of Castles & Palaces by video analytics

With several new references this year, EVITECH completes a significant list of Castles, Palaces, and other prestigious resorts protected by the Jaguar software.

 In France or abroad (Netherlands, Italy, Spain, ...), the needs for protection of these outstanding sites are always very specific and require much "by hand" effort : protection equipment must be hidden or at least "discrete"not too visible, with highest performance, it must interact with the mobile protection equipment, in case of the VIP has one, etc ...

Most of the time, thermal cameras are preferred since they don't require to illuminate the place, and allow to keep its discretion. In case of fog, at night, or in case of accidental or on-purpose fire of a building close to the site, surveillance stays at top performance even through water droplets or smoke opacity.

Hiding the cameras is sometimes required in order to protect the site's architecture beauty (facades and neighborhood). In this case we can select small camera models and hide them inside architectural elements or decoration items. 

Issues are sometimes complex, since it is recommended to preserve also the discretion or intimacy of site

 dwellers (and thus do not allow to monitor them), or preserve their habits (like arriving on the site with a fast vehicle approach), even when these habits are divergent with a qualified security policy.

Installing the control room, at last, is often a head-ache since the buildings were rarely prepared for installation of a modern control room with a two-doors reinforced access point, windows with bullet-resistant support and glass, sufficient surface for people and equipment, a wall for presenting the images, air cooling and filtering systems, toilets and water access, back-up power utilities... When the installation is in a small space under the stairs, or in a small old guard room, the adaptation is not always easy, and security must cope with History.