Tourists in Paris deserve a quiet visit

EVITECH has recently won a new and big project for securing the "Grand Paris" in the framework of the tourism plan. Tests have first been accomplished in order to select cameras positions and camera types, with the help of an elevator truck.

A tripod has been set in the truck's elevating cabin, and allowed to rise different camera types up to several possible fixing positions, in order to take some test videos. Some videos were then taken with pedestrians/cars simuilations that allowed to collect relevant data for selecting the best opportunities. The choice was finally made on thermal cameras, for several reasons, in particular : lighting sometimes insufficient, and dust over cameras when installed close to important roads (thermal cameras are less affected by dust thant color ones).  After validation of the detections on the records, the equipments have been ordered and are under deployment.

The final system will allow the central surveillance board to visualize and to be aware of risky situations for surveyed spots. A screen is integrated in the center, with integrated loudspeakers that will activate in case of alarms. Operators will just have to turn their heads towrd the screen in order to check ther alarmed scene, and trigger when necessary an intervention.