Counting of people present in coworking and offices

EVITECH delivered a counting system of people present in different spaces of a building, coworking space, and company offices, by integrating information coming back from cameras and gates rotations.

HallIn a large glass building in the French capital, close to transportation, a coworking site (for people who come to work on the site from time to time), and the offices of a large Parisian company, welcome people who come and go during the day. In order to follow the number of people present in the building, and to respect the gauge of the people present in the coworking space, EVITECH delivered a dashboard application (under web interface) allowing to count the entrants and the exits of these spaces (4 spaces in total) by collecting the passages at the entrance and at the exit, partly on the cameras, and partly on the access gates to the site.

Our LYNX software automatically collects information from the "tripod" gates issued by the access control system, each crossing causing a variation of +1 or -1 on the corresponding count. LYNX also acquires and processes the images of the cameras present, and uses image analysis to count the people entering and leaving the site in the free or controlled passages. In particular, in the counting areas supervised by these cameras, we find :

  • suspended walkway,
  • wide entrance areas,
  • sliding glass doors,
  • and collective gates allowing groups of people to pass.

To avoid any gap between counting and people present, in particular because of some possible accesses, from the underground, for maintenance personnel who are not subject to counting at the entrance, but who can sometimes leave through the passages under counting, a reset function has been set up and is automatically activated every night.

All of this information, from various sources, is integrated into a single web browser page available to the operator, providing him with a synthetic visibility of the present at any time, as well as a trend graph. When the limit of a gauge is close, the associated counter changes color and alerts the site reception, which can then limit the entry of newcomers.

The dashboard is also used to generate statistics on past attendance.