Protection of a large chemical international site

Somewhat isolated along the river, this large site had to be protected against intrusion, theft and misappropriation of secret processes.

Site chimique fleuveBecause of its extensive, non-rectilinear shape, the site merited several phases of upstream study and modeling using our EvDesign tool. We then carried out an on-site verification, which demonstrated the limitations and need to back up a planar analysis on "paper" with a site visit in the field. Due to its proximity to the river (alluvial soil), the site did not present any elevations or masking by slopes or heights, as it is often feared, but it was rather the forest, civil engineering and buildings that raised points for further study.

Civil engineering constraints imposed restrictions on mast positions. In an industrial site with a long history, it is mandatory to take into account all overhead and underground fluid paths, as well as all pre-existing electrical sheaths, when positioning the masts. These limitations have had an impact on the choice of viewing angles for the thermal imaging cameras, of which there are always a relatively small number (between 3 and 5 models per sensor resolution...), in order to find angles adapted in width and length to the areas to be covered. On the long stretches of river bank, we had to find a compromise between maximum efficiency (very long ranges, very narrow angles) and the curvature of the bank, which made it impossible to watch straight ahead of the camera. Then, on the landward boundary, the masking of small buildings had to be taken into account to raise the cameras to a height that would neutralize any obstacles to surveillance (i.e. pass over them). Finally, to preserve existing trees, the cameras had to be positioned at just the right height to allow surveillance of undergrowth paths. In the end, of course, the number of cameras had to be kept to a minimum to keep within the customer's budget.

As you can see, designing this type of project isn't always a smooth ride...

If you'd like a study of your site, please don't hesitate to contact us!