Solar plant videoprotection with Jaguar

A european energy supplier was looking for a cost saving solution for the protection of a couple of unhabited solar plants. His aims are to detect as fast as possible intruders, and to send alarms with appropriate data for remote doubt raising : images, videos... at a central remote surveillance room.

Jaguar's videoprotection is exceptional, since with only one series of cameras on the site perimeter, it ensures automatically and alone the site protection, with less than 2 false alarms per day & per camera. During tests made in France in a nuclear plant in 2006, Jaguar was validated for detection at night (several lux) of a ramping individual at 135 meters from a sony E478 colour day/night perimeter camera.

The first of these solar plants is divided in two parts on sunny hills, separated by a road with a regular traffic, even at night. The need for a videoprotection is justified by the cost of electrical equipment (solar panels, metal) and the cost of a production loss. The plant is autonomous and works from sunraise to sunset, 7 days a week. Jaguar, already protecting other sensitive energy sites, will accompagn at a european level the development of solar energy for this supplier.

Jaguar's performance allow the 50 site perimeter cameras to be distant from 80 to 120 meters. Other videoprotection solutions, needing only 60 meters, were not cost effective for the project.

"It's the possibility to detect between 100-135 meters, joined to capacity to detect across the light glare of cars, which made the decision for succeeding our application, declares the installer. For really succeeding in detection with distant cameras, and avoid to raise an alarm series on all cameras each time a car passes at night, we had no other solution."

The plant was linked to a remote management & control station by multiple data links. The operator receives alarms events, images, videos. The low false alarm rate will allow a quick progression of efficiency of this station, for the next plants of this operator. Next some more work for Jaguar !