About Evitech
Who are we ?
EVITECH is a french company, settled in 2005, which has received several grants from MoD DGA (the french equivalent of DARPA), OSEO-ANVAR, and other french security authorities.
EVITECH is an innovative SME, and has got the "JEI" classification early 2006. EVITECH was supported at its early stage by Optics Valley (www.opticsvalley.org), and Incuballiance (www.incuballiance.fr) (french Incubators). EVITECH was the winner of the Finance & Technology NODAL price (November 2005), as the most promizing start-up. Evitech has received loans of OSEO, SIFE and Scientipôle Initiative in 2006. More than 80% of the public loans provided to Evitech for its creation have been already restituted to these public organisms.
For its R&D activities, EVITECH regularly participates to collaborative projects funded by French Cluster (FUI/OSEO), ANR, and European organisms (ITEA2, Eurostars) : Success of many research projects such as SAFEAROUND, XVISION, MOBISIC, KIVAOU, SMARTMESH, RECONSURVE, SAFEPYTHON, CROWDCHECKER, driven with other major security companies like EADS, CASSIDIAN, THALES, SAFRAN/SAGEM and laboratories like INRIA, CNRS, ENS Ulm, CEA, Institut Telecom, ... demonstrate the continuous quality of EVITECH's research works.
As an image processing editor, EVITECH provides image analysis software products in video surveillance, and OEM artificial vision products for various applications. Evitech is member of the Optics Valley association, as well as the SYSTEM@TIC Paris region cluster cluster since 2006. EVITECH is also member of the Richelieu SME association. Evitech was winner of the PM'UP competition in 2008, and was granted for its export activities in Brazil.
EVITECH signed its first contracts in 2005 and got solid references in different competitions organized by huge industrial users and armies. With its main concentration on customers satisfaction, EVITECH develops its products and adds new features to fulfill its clients needs, with the unforgetful target of genericity, for delivering a software product centered on homogeneous functions, easily integrated in various contexts, and open to integrations and adaptations each reseller or integrator may add through its SDK. EVITECH is an independant company (SME) owned by its founders.
EVITECH won the prize “Innovation Trophies” in 2009 in the category “products” of the most famous French industry review “L'Usine Nouvelle”.

EVITECH was evaluated by the Early Metrics rating agency in 2017, and received a 72/100 rating, which puts it in the top 10% of evaluated start-ups: