This area allows you to download various documents, such as the company’s brochure, general terms and conditions of sale, user manuals, configuration manual, integration manual (SDK). The available documents depend on your situation with EVITECH.
If you are a customer or a partner, and have an account (login, password) on the website, please sign in with your login and password in the My Account / Login tab. A destination e-mail for the documents sending will be asked to you (can be changed at each request). Manuals, integration examples, and detailed documentation will be sent to you.
If you are a visitor, we invite you to fill in some information in My Account / Create an account and you will be able to download the brochures, the general terms and conditions of sale, presentation of the new products, general documentation, etc. We invite you to look at the legal notices on this website to check how we manage the information you provide to us.