A new solar plant in the neighborhood of Bordeaux

Jaguar software will contribute to the protection of a new very large solar plant near Bordeaux, with around 1.000.000 solar pannels.

Power delivered will be around 350 GW.H.

These installations will be surrounded by thermal cameras, with the permanent monitoring, day and night, of the Jaguar video analytics software, for intruder detection.

"With a really straight perimeter, we could highly benefit of the efficiency of thermal cameras to monitor several hundreds of yards, even at night, and to associate it to the efficiency of our Jaguar video analytics software, for the detection of very small targets à long range. All these factors contributed into lowering the number of sensors for the project."  declares Laurent Assouly, Marketing Director of EVITECH. "It is the typical use case where performance excellence is joint to reduced cost excellence, thanks to the limitation of the number of required cameras."

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A little more than ten years ago, EVITECH has established itself as a reference player in video analysis for the Global Security.


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